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Biosphere Book Back Questions 9th Social Science Lesson 16

9th Social Science Lesson 16

16] Biosphere

Book Back Questions with Answer and Do You Know Box Content

Do You Know?

The branch of science that deals about ecosystem is called Ecology. A person who studies ecology is referred to as an Ecologist.

An ecological region that has lost more than 70% of its original habitat is considered a hotspot. Hotspots in India are the Himalayas, Western Ghats, Indo Burma Region and Sunderland. There are 34 areas around the world which are qualified as biodiversity hotspots.

The U.S. National Cancer Institute has identified about 70% of the plants used for treating cancer. Which are found only in rain forests. Eg. Lapacho

An oasis is a fertile fresh water source found in deserts and semi-arid regions. Oases are fed by springs. Crops like date palms, figs, citrus fruits, maize etc. are cultivated near these oases.

Of late, parts of the Savannah grasslands are being converted into farmlands, which pose a great threat to the wide range of fauna. For Eg. The population of the big cats like cheetah, lion etc. are dwindling drastically.

Temperate grasslands are called differently in different parts of the world. Prairies – North America; Steppes – Eurasia; ampas – Argentina and Uruguay; Veld – South Africa; Downs – Australia; Canterburg – New Zealand; Manchurian – China.

A Biosphere Reserve is a special ecosystem or specialized environment with flora and fauna that require protection and nurturing. There are 18 Biosphere Reserves in India.

Choose the best answers:

1. The coldest biome on Earth is

(a) Tundra

(b) Taiga

(c) Desert

(d) Oceans

2. This is the smallest unit of biosphere.

(a) Ecosystems

(b) Biome

(c) Environment

(d) None of the above

3. Nutrients are recycled in the atmosphere with the help of certain microorganisms, referred to as

(a) Producers

(b) Decomposers

(c) Consumers

(d) None of the above

4. To which climatic conditions are Xerophyte plants specifically adapted to?

(a) Saline and Sandy

(b) Limited moisture availability

(c) Cold temperature

(d) Humid

5. Why is the usage of rainforest biomes for large scale agriculture unsustainable?

(a) Because it is too wet

(b) Because the temperature is too warm

(c) Because the soil is too thin

(d) Because the soil is poor

Consider the following the statements and tick the appropriate answer:

(a) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true; R explains A

(b) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true; R does not explain A

(c) A is true; R is false

(d) Both A and R are false

1. A: Heterotrophs do not produce their own food.

R: They depend on autotrophs for their nourishment.

2. A: Hotspots are the regions characterised by numerous endemic plants and animal species living in a vulnerable environment.

R: To manage and focus on conservation work more effectively, researchers identified hotspots.

Fill in the blanks:

1. An area where animals, plants and micro-organisms live and interact with one another is known as ____________

2. ______________ are also called Heterotrophs.

3. ______________ is a system of interlocking and independent food chains.

4. _______________ is an extensive large ecosystem.

5. The vegetative type commonly found in desert biomes is called ______________

6. ____________ is an aquatic biome that is found where fresh water and salt water mix.

Find out the dates for the following:

1. World Wild Life Day: _______________

2. International Day of Forest: ______________

3. World Water Day: ____________

4. Earth Day: _____________

5. World Environment Day: ______________

6. World Oceans Day: ___________


Choose the correct answers:

1. Tundra 2. None of the above 3. Decomposers 4. Limited moisture availability 5. Because it is too wet

Consider the following statements and choose the correct answer:

1.Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true; R explains A

2.Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true; R explains A

Fill in the blanks:

1. Consumers 2. Ecosystem 3. Food web 4. Biome 5. Xerophytes 6. Estuary

Find out the dates for the following:

1.October 4th 2. March 21st 3. March 22nd 4. April 22nd

2.June 5th 6. December 26th

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