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Intellectual Awakening and Socio-Political Changes Book Back Questions 9th Social Science Lesson 4

9th Social Science Lesson 4

4] Intellectual Awakening and Socio-Political Changes

Book Back Questions with Answer and Do You Know Box Content

Do You Know?

The statue of Bahubali (known as Gomateswara, 57 feet) at Shravanabelgola in Karnataka is the tallest Jaina statue ever carved out in India.

Jaina Kanchi: Jainism was one of the major faiths in the Tamil region during the 7th century AD (CE) . The Pallava King; Mahendra Varman was a Jain. Under the influence of Appar he got converted to Saivism. Close to the present town of Kanchi there is a place called Jaina Kanchi where you find many Jain temples. One of the important temples is the Thiruparuthikundram temple, where the ceiling is painted with the life story of Mahavira.

When Buddha’s closest disciple Ananda asked Buddha whether women can become whether women can become monks. Buddha said, yes, if women can follow the path of renunciation, they can become monks and completely enlightened just as men.

Northern India extended from the Kabul Valley in the north to the Godavari in the South. It witnessed the rise of sixteen states known as Mahajanapadas or sixteen great states: Kasi, Kosla, Anga, Magadha, Vajji, Malla, Chedi, Vatsa, Kuru, Panchala, Matsya, Surasena, Assaka, Avanti, Gandhara and Kamboja.

Iron plough agriculture led to the rise of empires Assiriyan in Iran and Magadha in India.

There are 33 edicts, including 14 major rock edicts, 7 pillar edicts and 2 Kalinga edicts, apart from Minor Rock edicts and Minor Pillar inscriptions. They form the reliable sources to know about the Mauryan Empire, in particular the dharmic rule of Ashoka.

Our national emblem with four lions is a replica of the Ashoka pillar of Saranath.

Chandragupta’s minister Chanakya is credited with a book titled Arthasastra, which gives a detailed account of the Mauryan administration.

Choose the best answers:

1. Identify the founder of the new sect who exemplified simplicity and self-denial.

(a) Buddha

(b) Lao-Tze

(c) Confucius

(d) Zoroaster

2. The Magadha king influenced by the teachings of Mahavira.

(a) Dhananandha

(b) Chandragupta

(c) Bimbisara

(d) Shishunaga

3. The northern India extended from the Kabul Valley in the north to the Godavari in the south witnessed the rise of Sixteen States.

(a) Mahajanapadas

(b) Gana-sanghas

(c) Dravida

(d) Dakshinapatha

4. Tri-ratnas are the three principles taught by

(a) Buddha

(b) Mahavira

(c) Lao-Tze

(d) Confucius

5. The account which throws light on Mauryan polity and society.

(a) Marco Polo

(b) Fahien

(c) Megasthanes

(d) Seleucus

6. (i) Under the Magadha king the mahamatriyas functioned as secretaries to the ministers.

(ii) Accounts of Megasthanes titled Indica is a useful record about Mauryan polity and society.

(iii) Nanda’s attempt to build and imperial structure was cut short by Ashoka who founded the Mauryan kingdom.

(iv) According to tradition, towards the end of his life Chandragupta become an ardent follower of Buddhism.

(a) i is correct

(b) ii s correct

(c) i and ii are correct

(d) iii and iv are correct

Fill in the blanks:

1. _____________ is a collection of sacred literature of different epochs, containing prayers, confessions and myths.

2. In the Gangetic plain _____________ agriculture required the use of bullocks.

3. Jains believe that ____________ came in a long line of Tirthankaras and he was the twenty-fourth and the last.

4. The place where Buddha attained enlightenment has been built into the Mahabodhi temple that still exists in _______________

5. The rock edicts form the reliable source to know about the Mauryan Empire in particular the Dharmic rule of _____________

Consider the following the statements and tick the appropriate answer:

1. a) The introduction of Bronze tools made easy the removal of dense forest cover from the banks of the Ganges.

b) Ajivikas had a small presence in western India.

c) The clusters where particular clansmen were dominant came to be known were Pre-Mauryan states.

d) Of the kingdoms mentioned in the literature of the period Kashi, Kosala and Magadha are considered to be powerful.

2. a) Ajatashatru was the first important king of Magadha.

b) Bimbisara succeeded in establishing a comprehensive structure of administration.

c) The Mauryas were the first of non-Kshatriya dynasties to rule in northern India.

d) Nanda’s attempt to build an imperial structure was cut short by Ashoka.

Match the following:

1. Eight-fold path – Tallest Jaina statue.

2. Bahubali – A code of political morality

3. The Spring and Autumn Annals – Sacred literature of laws and myths.

4. Zend Avesta – First Tirthankara

5. Rishabha – Path to attain the purest state of mind


Choose the correct answers:

1. Buddha 2. Bimbisara 3. Mahajanapadas 4. Mahavira

5. Megasthanes 6. Accounts of Megasthanes titled Indica is a useful record about Mauryan polity and society

Fill in the blanks:

1. Zenda Avesta 2. Iron plough 3. Mahavira 4. Both Gaya 5. Ashoka

Consider the following statements and choose the correct answer:

1.Of the kingdoms mentioned in the literature of the period Kashi, Kosala and Magadha are considered to be powerful.

2.Bimbisara succeeded in establishing a comprehensive structure of administration.

Match the following:

1. Path to attain the purest state of mind 2. Tallest Jaina statue 3. A code of political morality

4. Sacred literature of laws and myths 5. First Tirthankara

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