MCQ Questions

Road Safety 9th Social Science Lesson 16 Questions in English

9th Social Science Lesson 16 Questions in English

16. Road Safety

1. Choose the correct statements.

i) A Road Accident refers to many numbers of vehicles involved in it.

ii) An Road Accident occurs on a road open to public transport.

iii) Intentional Acts and Natural disasters are excluded from road accidents.

a) i only c) ii and iii only

b) i and iii only d) iii only


A Road accident refers to any accident involving at least a vehicle, occurring on a road open to public transport, and in which at least one person is injured or killed. International Acts and natural disasters are excluded from road accidents.

2. Which is not a major reason of road accidents?

a) Drunk and Drive c) Improper training

b) Long Driving d) Improper Roadways


3. Identify the matches of main causes of death by road accidents with its occurrences.

A. Speeding i) 5%

B. Inefficient Law enforcement ii) 40%

C. Less usage of safety equipment’s iii) 15%

D. Drunk and drive iv) 24%

a) iv, iii, i, ii c) iii, iv, ii, i

b) ii, iii, ii, i d) i, iv, ii, iii


The Main causes of death by road accidents include Drunk and drive (40%), Speeding (24%), car boom in India (16%), Inefficient law enforcement (15%) and less use of helmets and seat belts (5%).

4. The Major causes of Road accidents includes

a) Distractions to driver c) Red Light Jumping

b) Overtaking d) All the above


The Main causes of death by road accidents include Drunk and drive (40%), Speeding (24%), car boom in India (16%), Inefficient law enforcement (15%) and less use of helmets and seat belts (5%). Distractions to driver, Red light jumping, overtake in a wrong manner.

5. Which City of India has more number of accidents in the year 2016?

a) Kolkata c) Mumbai

b) Hyderabad d) Chennai

6. Which of this Indian city has comparatively low rate of Road accidents in the year 2016?

a) Chennai c) Bhopal

b) Hyderabad d) Kolkata


7. Match the Factors of Road Accidents

A. Pedestrians i) Fog

B. Passengers ii) Carelessness

C. Road Conditions iii) Talking to drivers

D. Weather Conditions iv) Potholes

a) i, iii, ii, iv c) iii, iv, ii, i

b) ii, iii, iv, i d) ii, i, iv, iii

8. Choose the correct sentences

i) Drivers should not do over-speeding.

ii) Pedestrians should be more careful while using roadways.

iii) People may avoid private vehicles in bad weather conditions.

a) i only c) iii only

b) ii only d) all the above


9. The Direct consequences of Accidents are

a) Fatality c) Injury

b) Damage to property d) All the above


Direct consequences of accidents include Fatality or Death, Injury and damaging the property.

10. What are the possible preventive measures for controlling accidents?

a) Education about road accidents c) Strict enforcement of law

b) Highly equipped engineering methods d) All the above


11. Which of these measures can reduce the death causes in accidents by 51%?

a) Usage of seat belt c) Perfect Roadways

b) Drunk and drive d) illiteracy


The chances of death by accident can be decreased by 51% with the proper use of seat belt.

12. Assertion (A): From the accident reports of 2016 death cases is major because of Two-Wheelers.

Reasoning (R): The death rates are reduced by using bicycles and other animal drawn and hand cart vehicles.

a) Both A and R is True and R is the correct explanation of A.

b) Both A and R is True but R is not the correct explanation of A.

c) A is True but R is False.

d) Both A and R is False.


13. As per the WHO report of 2002 which age group are leads in the number of death cases in Road accidents?

a) 15-20 c) 5-14

b) 30-44 d) 15-29

14. Assertion (A): The Number of death cases in all age groups of women is comparatively very

low compared to men.

Reasoning (R): Old aged people above the age group of 60 are less affected by the road accidents.

a) Both A and R is True and R is the correct explanation of A.

b) Both A and R is True but R is not the correct explanation of A.

c) A is True but R is False.

d) Both A and R is False.


15. Assertion (A): Basic road safety rules are not meant for children.

Reasoning (R): Children must be aware of road safety rules and regulations.

a) Both A and R is True and R is the correct explanation of A.

b) Both A and R is True but R is not the correct explanation of A.

c) A is False but R is True.

d) Both A and R is False.


It is important for children to know about road safety rules and regulations. There are some basic road safety rules for ensuring the safety of children.

16. Which of these are the basic road safety rules for children?

a) Always use sidewalks c) Stop, Look and Cross

b) Know your signals d) All the above


17. What is the minimum age limit for obtaining a vehicle license in India?

a) 14 c) 18

b) 13 d) 17


The eligibility for obtaining a learners license for a private motor vehicle without any gear is 16 years. The minimum age to apply for a permanent license to drive a private motor vehicle is 18 years.

18. Which year Motor vehicle Act defines the need of driving license in India?

a) 1987 c) 1990

b) 1988 d) 1950


A driving license is required in India by any person driving a vehicle on any highway or other road defined in the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988.

19. Which is considered as a best way to teach children about road safety methods?

a) School c) Play methods

b) Visual Media d) Tutorials


Play is the one of the best ways to make children learn important things like road safety and rules.

20. State some playing methodology used for the awareness of children?

a) Crosswords c) Guessing games

b) Red Light, Green Light d) All the above


21. What is the Vehicle related factors related to Road accidents?

a) Brake failures c) Damaged roads

b) Wind storms d) illiteracy


The Vehicle factors which causes the road accidents are Brake failures or steering failures, tyre burst, insufficient headlight, Overloading.

22. Which authority is responsible for issue of driving license in India?

a) Central Transport Authorities c) Regional Transport Authorities

b) State Transport Authority d) None of the above


In India, a driving license is an official document that authorizes its holder to operate various types of motor vehicles. In various Indian states, they are administered by the Regional Transport Authorities/Offices (RTA/RTO).

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