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Road Safety Notes 6th Social Science

Road Safety Notes 6th Social Science

6th Social Science Lesson 24 Notes in English

24. Road Safety

1. What is Road Safety?

Traffic rules are the laws that govern how, when and why you are allowed to drive any vehicle.

2. Traffic Safety Education:

The traffic safety course education plays an important role in shaping the attitude and behaviour of children and young people ensuring to become responsible drivers, passengers, pedestrians and cyclists.

3. Is it Teaching on Road Safety is Important?

Yes, Educating children about road safety is very important. Teaching about road safety to children can be started as soon as they are old enough to step out of the home.

4. What are the three types of traffic Signs:

Three types of traffic signs – Mandatory, Cautionary and Informatory.

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5. What are Mandatory Road Signs?

Mandatory road signs are the ones that give order regarding do’s and don’ts and are to be followed strictly. These are generally circular in shape.

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6. What are Cautionary Road Signs?

Cautionary road signs are the ones that warn the road user regarding the road situation ahead. Cautionary signs are generally in triangular shape.

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7. What are Informatory Road Signs?

Informatory road signs are the ones that give information regarding directions, destination, etc. Informatory signs are generally rectangular in shape.

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8. What does the colour Red Represent?

  • RED means STOP – Wait behind the stop line.
  • If there are no lines, stop before the traffic light at the intersection so that traffic light is clearly visible.
  • Wait until a green signal appears before proceeding.
  • You may turn left while the signal is red, if it is not prohibited by a sign. But give importance to pedestrians and other traffic.

9. What does Amber mean?

AMBER means CAUTION-You may move on if the amber appears after you have already crossed the stop line or when you feel that your stopping may cause accident. Anyhow be extra careful.

10. What does Green Stand for?

GREEN means GO – Proceed ahead ensuring that the way is clear. • You can make a right or left turn if not prohibited by signs, but take special care and give way to pedestrians crossing the road. GREEN ARROW means that you can go in the direction shown by the arrow.

11. Define Pedestrian Crossing:

The pedestrian crossing was instituted in Britain in 1934. The roads were marked by dotted lines. On the pavement there were striped Belisha beacon light poles named after Britain’s Minister of transport L. Horre-Belisha .

12. What is Zebra crossing?

The Zebra crossing with black and white stripes was developed after the Second World War.

13. What are Road languages?

Road signs, markings, traffic signals and other traffic devices are there to guide the road users and hence are the languages of the road.

14. Why are Traffic Signs?

Traffic signs are there to regulate traffic, warn about hazards and to guide the road user.

15. What should we do in Pedestrian?

  • Walk on any side of the road if there are footpaths.
  • On roads without footpath walk on your extreme rightside facing the oncoming traffic.
  • Use zebra crossing, foot over bridge & subways to cross the roads.
  • Where such facilities are not available be extra cautious while crossing the road.
  • Children below 8 years of age should cross the road with the help of elders.
  • Cross the road when the vehicles are at a safe distance.
  • Wear light coloured dresses during night.

16. What Should not be done in Pedestrian?

  • Don’t cross the road hastily by running.
  • Don’t cross the road in front of or in between parked vehicles.
  • Don’t try to cross the road from blind corners, turnings where you are not visible to the vehicle drivers.
  • Don’t jump over the railings to cross road.

17. Staying safe on a bicycle:

Most children use bicycle to go to schools. So they should be aware of the road rules and road safety. Moreover they should maintain their bicycles in good condition.

18. What should we do while riding Bicycle?

  • Cycle must be fitted with standard gadgets – bell, brakes, rear view mirror, both front and back mudguard painted white, reflective tapes affixed at the front and back.
  • Cycle on the extreme left side of the road or use service road, if available
  • Avoid busy roads.
  • Keep a safe distance from fast motorized vehicles.
  • Give proper indications before stopping or turning.

19. What should not be done while riding Bicycle?

  • Don’t indulge in any kinds of stunts
  • Don’t load the cycle with another person or heavy goods.
  • Don’t ride holding onto other fast moving vehicle.

20. What should be done while riding in public transport?

  • Get up early and start early from home.
  • Board the bus from the designated bus stop in a queue.
  • Once inside the bus, behave properly.
  • Hold on to the railings of the bus.
  • Alight only at the designated bus stop.
  • Get down only when the bus has stopped completely.

21. What should be done if the driver is not following the rules?

If the driver is not following the road safety norms, bring it to the notice of school authorities/parents or traffic helpline.

22. What should be done in Public transport?

  • Do not rush or run to catch your bus.
  • Do not stand on the steps of the bus.
  • Do not make noise that may distract the driver.
  • Do not put any part of the body outside the bus.
  • Do not get in or get down from a moving bus.

23. What rules should be followed while riding with co-passenger?

  • Always wear helmet/seatbelt.
  • Do not indulge in talking with the driver.
  • Children above 12 years of age should occupy the back.

24. Play at safe places:

  • Do not play on roads.
  • Look for a playground or vacant land to play
  • Do not play around a vehicle parked inside your school premises/colony or near your residence.

25. Various other Symbols:

  • Blue circles give a positive instructions, about what is to be done.
  • Red rings or circles give negative instructions. What should not be done.

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