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The Age of Empires: Guptas And Vardhanas Book Back Questions 6th Social Science Lesson 18

6th Social Science Lesson 18

18] The Age of Empires: Guptas And Vardhanas

Book Back Questions with Answer and Do You Know Box Content

Do You Know?

Lichchhavi was an old gana-sanga and its territory lay between the Ganges and the Nepal Terai.

Prashasti: Prashasti is a Sanskrit word, meaning commendation or ‘in praise of’. Court poets flattered their kings listing out their achievements. These accounts were later engraved on pillars so that the people could read them.

Samudragupta was a devotee of Vishnu. He revived the Vedic practice of performing horse sacrifice. Performed by kings to prove their imperial sovereignty. He issued gold coins and in one of them, he is portrayed playing harp (veenai) . Samudragupta was not only a great conqueror but a lover of poetry and music and for this, he earned the title ‘Kaviraja’.

Sri Meghavarman, the Buddhist king of Ceylon, was a contemporary of Samudragupta.

The surnames of Chandragupta II were Vikramaditya, Narendrachandra, Simhachandra, Narendrasimha, Vikrama Devaraja, Devagupta and Devasri.

Fahien: During the reign of Chandragupta II, the Buddhist monk Fahein visited India. His travel accounts provided us information about the socio-economic, religious and moral conditions of the people of the Gupta age. According to Fahien, the people of Magadha were happy and prosperous, that justice was mildly administered and there was no death penalty. Gaya was desolated. Kapilavasthu had become a jungle, but at Pataliputra people were rich and prosperous.

Nalanda University: Nalanda University flourished under the patronage of the Gupta Empire in the 5th and 6th centuries and later under emperor Harsha of Kanauj. At Nalanda, Buddhism was the main subject of study. Other subjects like Yoga, Vedic literature and Medicine were also taught. Hiuen Tsang spent many years studying Buddhism in the University. Eight Mahapatashalas and three large libraries were situated on the campus. Nalanda was ravaged and destroyed by Mamluks (Turkish Muslims) under Bhaktiyar Khalji. Today, it is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Who were the Huns? Huns were the nomadic tribes, who, under their great Attila, were terrorising Rome and Constantinople. Associated with these tribes were the White Huns who came to India through Central Asia. They undertook regular invasions and were giving trouble to all Indian frontier states. After defeating Skandagupta, they spread across Central India. Their chief, Toromana, crowned himself as king. After him, his son Mihirakula ruled the captured territories. Finally, Yasodharman, ruler of Malwa in Central India, defeated them and ended their rule.

Samudragupta introduced the Gupta monetary system. Kushana coins provided inspiration to Samudragupta. The Gupta gold coins were known as Dinara. Guptas issued many gold coins but comparatively fewer silver and copper coins. However, the post-Gupta period saw a fall in the circulation of gold coins, indicating the decline in the prosperity of the empire.

The metals used by them were: iron, gold, copper, tin, lead, brass, bronze, bell-metal, mica, manganese and red chalk.

Harsha met the Chinese traveller, Hiuen Tsang, at Kajangala near Rajmahal (Jharkhand) for the first time.

Hiuen Tsang, the ‘prince of pilgrims’, visited India during Harsha’s reign. His Si-Yu-Ki provides detailed information about the social, economic, religious and cultural conditions of India during Harsha’s time. Hiuen Tsang tells us how Harsha, though a Buddhist, went to participate in the great kumbhamela held at Prayag.

The assembly at Kanauj was attended by 20 kings. A large number of Buddhist, Jain and Vedic scholars attended the assembly. A golden statue of Buddha was consecrated in a monastery and a small statue of Buddha (three feet) was carried in a procession.

In the assembly at Prayag, Harsha distributed his wealth among the Buddhists, Vedic scholars and poor people. Harsha offered fabulous gifts to the Buddhist monks on all the four days of the assembly.

Chandragupta I was the contemporary of Constantine the Great, the Roman Emperor, who founded Constantinople.

Harsha’s time coincided with an early days of Tang Dynasty of China. Their capital (Xi’an) was a great centre of art and learning.

Choose the best answers:

1. _____________ was the founder of Gupta dynasty.

(a) Chandragupta I

(b) Sri Gupta

(c) Vishnu Gopal

(d) Vishnugupta

2. Prayog Prashasti was composed by _____________

(a) Kalidasa

(b) Amarashi

(c) Harisena

(d) Dhanvantri

3. The monolithic iron pillar of Chandragupta is at _____________

(a) Mehrauli

(b) Bhitari

(c) Gadhva

(d) Mathura

4. ___________ was the first Indian to explain the process of surgery.

(a) Charaka

(b) Sushruta

(c) Dhanvantri

(d) Agnivasa

5. ______________ was the Gauda ruler of Bengal.

(a) Sasanka

(b) Maitraka

(c) Rajavardhana

(d) Pulikesin II

Consider the statements given below and choose the correct option:

1. Assertion (A): Chandragupta I crowned himself as a monarch of a large kingdom after eliminating various small states in Northern India.

Reason (R): Chandragupta I married Kumaradevi of Lichchavi family.

(a) Both A and R are correct and R is the correct explanation of A

(b) Both A and R are correct but R is not the correct explanation of A

(c) A is correct but R is not correct

(d) A is not correct but R is correct

2. Statement I: Chandragupta II did not have cordial relationship with the rulers of South India.

Statement II: The divine theory of kingship was practised by the Gupta rulers.

(a) Statement I is wrong, but statement II is correct

(b) Statement II is wrong, but statement I is correct

(c) Both the statements are correct

(d) Both the statements are wrong

3. Which of the following is arranged in chronological order?

(a) Srigupta – Chandragupta I – Samudragupta – Vikramaditya

(b) Chandragupta I – Vikramaditya – Srigupta – Samudragupta

(c) Srigupta – Samudragupta – Vikramaditya – Chandragupta I

(d) Vikramaditya – Srigupta – Samudragupta – Chandragupta I

4. Consider the following statements and find out which of the following statements(s) is/are correct

1. Lending money at high rate of interest was practised

2. Pottery and mining were the most flourishing industries

(a) 1 is correct

(b) 2 is correct

(c) Both 1 and 2 are correct

(d) Both 1 and 2 are wrong

Circle the odd one:

1. Kalidasa, Harisena, Samudragupta, Charaka.

2. Ratnavali, Harshacharita, Nagananda, Priyadharshika.

Fill in the blanks:

1. ______________, the king of Ceylon, was a contemporary of Samudragupta.

2. Buddhist monk from China _______________, visited India during the reign of Chandragupta II.

3. ___________ invasion led to the downfall of Gupta Empire.

4. ______________ was the main revenue to the Government.

5. The official language of the Guptas was _______________

6. ____________, the Pallava king was defeated by Samudragupta.

7. ___________ was the popular king of Vardhana dynasty.

8. Harsha shifted his capital from ___________ to Kanauj.

State true or false. If false, correct the statement:

1. Dhanvantri was a famous scholar in the field of medicine.

2. The structural temples built during the Gupta period resemble the Indo-Aryan style.

3. Sati was not in practice in the Gupta Empire.

4. Harsha belonged to Hinayana school of thought.

5. Harsha was noted for his religious intolerance.

Match the following:


(a) Mihirakula – 1. Astronomy

(b) Aryabhatta – 2. Kumaragupta

(c) Painting – 3. Skandagupta

(d) Nalanda University – 4. Caravan trader

(e) Sartavaga – 5. Bagh

(a) 1 2 4 3 5

(b) 2 4 1 3 5

(c) 3 1 5 2 4

(d) 3 2 1 4 5


(a) Bana – 1. 10,000 students

(b) Harsha – 2. Prayag

(c) Nalanda University – 3. Harshacharita

(d) Hiuen – Tsang – 4. Ratnabali

(e) Buddhist Assembly – 5. Si-Yu-Ki

(a) 4 3 2 1 5

(b) 5 2 1 3 4

(c) 3 5 1 2 4

(d) 2 1 3 4 5


Choose the best answers:

1. Sri Gupta 2. Harisena 3. Mehrauli 4. Sushruta 5. Sasanka

Consider the statements given below and choose the correct option:

  1. Both A and R are correct and R is the correct explanation of A
  2. Statement I is wrong, but statement II is correct
  3. Srigupta – Chandragupta I – Samudragupta – Vikramaditya
  4. Statement 1 is correct.

Circle the odd one:

1. Samudragupta 2. Harshacharita

Fill in the blanks:

1. Sri Meghavarman 2. Fahien 3. Hun 4. Land Tax 5. Sanskrit 6. Vishnugopa

7. Harsha 8. Thaneswar

State true or false:

  1. True
  2. False – Correct Statement: The structural temples built during the Gupta period resemble the Dravidian style.
  3. False – Correct Statement: Sati was practiced in the Gupta Empire
  4. False – Correct Statement: Harsha belonged to Mahayana school of thought.
  5. False – Correct Statement: Harsha was noted for his religious tolerance.

Match the following:

A: (a) Skandagupta

(b) Astronomy

(c) Bagh

(d) Kumaragupta

(e) Caravan trader

B: (a) Harshacharita (b) Ratnabali (c) 10,000 students (d) Si-Yu-Ki (e) Prayag

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