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The Middle Ages Book Back Questions 9th Social Science Lesson 6

9th Social Science Lesson 6

6] The Middle Ages

Book Back Questions with Answer and Do You Know Box Content

Do You Know?

The quantity of iron China produced in 1078 A.D. (C.E) exceeded 114,000 tons (England produced only 68,000 tons even in 1788) . China excelled in ceramics and porcelain-making. This technique was not known to Europe for another 700 years. Gun powder was in use by 1044. China possessed printed books half a millennium before Europe. (Chris Harman, A People’s History of the World, P.111)

Great Wall of China: Between 8th and 7th centuries B.C. (BCE) , the warring states in China built defensive walls to protect themselves from enemies from the north. During Chin (Qin) Dynasty, the separate walls were connected and consequently the wall stretched from east to west for about 5000 kilometres. This wall, considered to be one of the wonders of the world, served to keep nomadic tribes out. The Wall was further extended and strengthened by the succeeding dynasties. Now it is 6,700 kilometres in length.

Birth of Sunni and Shia Sects: The quarrel for the leadership of Arabia led to a division in Islam. The two sects formed out of the division were the Sunnis and Shias. The Sunnites, Sunni Muslims, maintained that the head of the Islamic state and successor to the Prophet should be elected by representatives of the whole body of believers. The Shiites, the followers of Shia sect, opposed elevation to any highest political and religious office other than those related to the Prophet by blood or by marriage.

Baghbad: A city, known as the city of Arabian Nights, ‘was a vast city of palaces and public offices and schools and colleges, and great shops and parks and gardens. The merchants carried on a vast trade with the East and Wet… Visitors came to Baghdad from all over the world, especially learned men and students and artists Nehru, Glimpses of World History.

Mongols and Chengiz Khan: Mongols were nomads. They were herdsmen. The Mongols were experts in warfare and produced a remarkable chief, Chengiz Khan. He was a great military genius. Mongols’ hold over Russia for about 300 years made Russia technologically backward from the rest of Europe until the end of Middle Ages”.

Excommunication meant depriving a person of all the privileges of a Christian. He was denied the right to sacraments in Church. His or her body could not be buried in the consecrated ground. Interdict was to deny benefits of religion to a ruler’s subject, intended to kindle their resentment against him.

India in the Corresponding Period: The Huns: Around the time when fragmented into multiple small Germanic kingdoms after the collapse of Roman Empire, the Huns (white) , a fierce and warlike people from Central Asia, invaded Northeast India. Though they were repulsed by Skandagupta, they entered India after his death and settled all over central India. Toramana and Mihirakula were the two well-known Hun rulers in India. They persecuted Buddhists and burnt all the monasteries. Yasodharman of Malwa is credited to have ended the rule of Huns in India around 528 A.D. (CE) .

Chaulkyas’ (of Badami or Vadabi) relationship with Persia: The Chalukya kingdom existed contemporaneously with the rule of Sassanid dynasty in Persia. Khusrau II, the last great king of Sassanid dynasty, who had a close relationship with the tang dynasty in China, and the Chalukya ruler Pulakesin II exchanged ambassadors. The Chalukya kingdom comprised the Maharashtra country with Badami as capital. Hiuen Tsang speaks highly of their courage. According to him, “they are warlike and proud-spirited, grateful for favours and revengeful for wrongs”.

Choose the best answers:

1. _____________ was the original religion of Japan.

(a) Shinto

(b) Confucianism

(c) Taoism

(d) Animism

2. ______________ means great name – lord.

(a) Daimyo

(b) Shogun

(c) Fujiwara

(d) Tokugawa

3. The Arab General who conquered Spain was ______________

(a) Tariq

(b) Alaric

(c) Saladin

(d) Mohammad the conqueror

4. Harun-al-Rashid was the able emperor of ___________

(a) Abbasid dynasty

(b) Umayyad dynasty

(c) Sassanid dynasty

(d) Mongol dynasty

5. Feudalism centred on _____________

(a) Vassalage

(b) Slavery

(c) Serfdom

(d) Land

Fill in the blanks:

1. _____________ were the original inhabitants of Japan.

2. ____________ was the original name of Japan.

3. _____________ was the original name of Medina.

4. ___________ were the barbarians posing a threat to the Chinese in the north.

5. _____________ established Ottoman supremacy in the Balkans.

Consider the following the statements and tick the appropriate answer:

1. (i) Chengiz Khan was an intolerant person in religion.

(ii) Mongols destroyed the city of Jerusalem.

(iii) Crusades weakened the Ottoman Empire.

(iv) Pope Gregory succeeded in making King Henry IV to abdicate the throne by means of Interdict.

(a) i is correct

(b) ii is correct

(c) ii and iii are correct

(d) iv is correct

2. (i) Mangu Khan was the Governor of China.

(ii) Mongol court in China impressed Marco Polo.

(iii) The leader of Red Turbans was Hung Chao.

(iv) Mongols established their rule in China in the name of Yuan Dynasty.

(a) i is correct

(b) ii is correct

(c) ii and iv are correct

(d) iv is correct

3. (i) Boyang and Changon were built during sung dynasty.

(ii) Peasant uprising led to the collapse of Tang dynasty.

(iii) Seljuq Turks were a tribe of Tartars.

(iv) Mongols established their rule in China in the name of Yuan Dynasty.

(a) i is correct

(b) ii is correct

(c) iii is correct

(d) iv is correct

4. Assertion (A): Buddhism went to China from India.

Reason (R): The earliest Indian inhabitants in China were the followers of Buddhism.

(a) A is correct; R is wrong

(b) Both A & R are wrong

(c) Both A & R are correct

(d) A is wrong R is irrelevant to A

5. Assertion (A): The fall of Jerusalem into the hands of Seljuk Turks led to the Crusades.

Reason (R): European Christian pilgrims were denied access to Jerusalem.

(a) A is correct; R is not the correct explanation of A

(b) A and R are correct.

(c) A and R are wrong.

(d) A is correct, R is the correct explanation of A

Match the following:

1. Red Turbans – Kamakura

2. Seljuk Turks – Mohammad II

3. First Shogunate – City of Arabian nights

4. Baghdad – Chu Yuan Chang

5. Capture of Constantinople – Central Asia


Choose the correct statements:

1. Shinto 2. Daimyo 3. Tariq 4. Abbasid dynasty 5. Vassalage

Fill in the blanks:

1. Ainus 2. Yamato 3. Yethrib 4. Mongols 5. Mohammad II

Consider the following statements and choose the correct answer:

1. Statement iv is correct 2. Statement ii and iv is correct 3. ii, iii and iv statement is correct

4. A is correct; R is wrong 5. A and R is correct

Match the following:

1. Chu Yuan Chang 2. Central Asia 3. Kamakura 4. City of Arabian nights 5. Mohammad II

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