Book Back QuestionsTnpsc

World War II Book Back Questions 10th Social Science Lesson 3

10th Social Science Lesson 3

3] World War II

Book Back Questions with Answer and Do You Know Box Content

Do You Know?

The word ‘holocaust’ is used to describe genocide of nearly six million Jews by the Germans during World War II. Annihilating the Jews was one of the main items on the political agenda of Hitler and the Nazis. Hitler was able to play on the anti-Jewish feelings (anti-Semitism) which were common in Germany and, in fact, throughout Europe. Jews were scattered all across Europe and many had become prominent in business, in performing arts and professional fields. Money-lending was a major business activity among Jews and this strengthened the prejudice against them. Shakespeare’s play, The Merchant of Venice clearly depicts the dislike and distrust of Jews among the people.

“We, the peoples of the United Nations, determined to save succeeding generations from scourge of war, which twice in our lifetime has brought untold sorrow to mankind, and to reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women, and of nations large and small…” – from the Preamble to the United Nations.

The objectives of the IMF are: “to foster global monetary cooperation, secure financial stability, facilitate international trade, promote high employment and sustainable economic growth and reduce poverty around the world”.

Choose the best answers:

1. When did the Japanese formally sign of their surrender?

(a) 2 September, 1945

(b) 2 October, 1945

(c) 15 August, 1945

(d) 12 October, 1945

2. Who initiated the formation of League of Nations?

(a) Roosevelt

(b) Chamberlain

(c) Woodrow Wilson

(d) Baldwin

3. Where was the Japanese Navy defeated by the US Navy?

(a) Battle of Gudalcanal

(b) Battle of Midway

(c) Battle of Leningrad

(d) Battle of El Alamein

4. Where did the US drop its first atomic bomb?

(a) Kavashaki

(b) Innoshima

(c) Hiroshima

(d) Nagasaki

5. Who were mainly persecuted by Hitler?

(a) Russians

(b) Arabs

(c) Turks

(d) Jews

6. Which Prime Minister of England who signed the Munich Pact with Germany?

(a) Chamberlain

(b) Winston Churchill

(c) Lloyd George

(d) Stanley Baldwin

7. When was the Charter of the UN signed?

(a) June 26, 1942

(b) June 26, 1945

(c) January 1, 1942

(d) January 1, 1945

Fill in the blanks:

1. Hitler attacked ______________ which was a demilitarised zone.

2. The alliance between Italy, Germany and Japan is known as ______________

3. ___________ started the Lend Lease programme.

4. Britain Prime Minister ______________ resigned in 1940.

5. ______________ is a device used to find out the enemy aircraft from a distance.

Consider the following the statements and tick the appropriate answer:

1. Assertion: President Roosevelt realised that the United States had a change its policy of isolation.

Reason: He started a programme of Lend Lease in 1941.

(a) Both A and R are correct

(b) A is right but R is not the correct reason

(c) Both A and R are wrong

(d) R is right but it has no relevance to A

Match the following:

1. Blitzkrieg – Roosevelt

2. Royal Navy – Stalingrad

3. Lend Lease – Solomon Island

4. Volga – Britain

5. Guadalcanal – Lightning strike


Choose the best answers:

1. 2 September, 1945 2. Woodrow Wilson 3. Battle of Midway 4. Hiroshima 5. Jews 6. Chamberlain 7. June 26, 1945

Fill in the blanks:

1. Rhineland 2. Axis power 3. US – President Roosevelt 4. Chamberlin 5. Radar

Consider the statements given below and choose the correct option:

1. A is right but R is not the correct reason

Match the following:

1.Blitzkrieg – Lightning strike

2.Royal Navy – Britain

3.Lend Lease – Roosevelt

4.Volga – Stalingrad

5.Guadalcanal – Solomon land

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